Why do you want to do art projects with kids

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Why do you want to do art projects with your kids?

Have you ever thought about it? Really why? What makes you research all these cool crafts ideas on the Internet, spend tons of money to buy art supplies, and try to convince your child that this project you are suggesting to do is really awesome, while all they want to do is to trash your house instead? And have you noticed that lots of times, you are finishing the project alone because your child lost interest? And don’t forget that you are the one who cleans up the mess afterwards…

So, why do you invest so much time, money, and mental energy into these art projects?

Is it because you think that making an art project together will immensely benefit your child’s mental development and this is very much needed in our TV-and-electronic-devices-ridden world? Or is it because you want your child to grow up and become a famous artist?

Or you want to do art projects with your kids simply because this is a fun thing to do together and looking back at your finished works a couple years from now your heart will fill up with love and joy from sharing that special time with your child and with immense pride from seeing their progress and growth?

This is true that for good brain development our children need less TV and electronic devices. It also might be nice to raise a famous person: hey, there will be something to brag about to total strangers at your doctor’s office when you are eighty…

As for me, I like doing art projects with my daughter because this is something we are doing together, because this brings us closer, because we create lots of shared memories in the process, because we can display our projects at our house and feel love and connection when we look at them later, because I feel huge pride seeing how my little baby grows and how she can do more sophisticated things with time, because doing art projects is easy and fun, because I love my baby.

My list can be endless, but what about you? Why do you want to do art projects with your kids?

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