Beans Necklace

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This Fall-themed Beans Necklace looks absolutely gorgeous and it’s so easy to make!

You will need:

Start with soaking dry beans for about 4 hours or overnight. You want to soak dry beans because otherwise they are very difficult to poke with the needle. I soaked both pinto beans and black beans in the same container, so the pinto beans got colored in black. If you want to preserve the original color of the beans - soak them in separate containers.

After the beans got bigger and softer (you can try to poke them with the needle to make sure they are soft enough), take them out on the paper towel to get the excess water out, and start threading them.

After your necklace reaches the desired length, leave it on the paper towel for a couple of hours to dry. Then, you can color it using acrylic paint. And let it dry after the coloring, of course.

Voila! Your colorful Fall-themed Bean necklace is ready to wear!

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